An organization does not expect top-level managers to be involved in day-to-day business operations.
They are responsible for developing mechanisms and procedures to enable the activities to be carried out efficiently.
It is to prepare a corporate culture in which those mechanisms and methods work correctly and can work properly from them. (This includes communicating to lower managers and employees in the organization what kinds of behaviors and contributions the organization values ​​through accountability and evaluation.).
It also includes making policies that make it necessary to run the organization even without them.
To complete this chain,
- Development of methodologies and mechanisms
- Creating an environment where they can function correctly.
- Appoint suitable persons to the individual posts and provide them with the necessary resources and powers.
After doing so, they get out of their way.
Periodically check if everything is going as planned and nominate the necessary changes.
But many high-level managers forget their role and mess things up by pointing fingers at lower-level supervision.
It is difficult for them to see anything happening without them.
Threats to the long-term existence of the organization occur due to the above fact. The organization has lost leaders, and only supervisors remain. The company is unable to go beyond barely making ends meet.
Institutions decay, and people take their place. When those people left, everything the nominal institution did collapse.