Creating an environment where mistakes happen as little as possible and allowing people to make mistakes to improve is the reason for the existence of an organization. People are encouraged to make courageous decisions and try new things only where mistakes are allowed.
For the first thing, it is necessary to centralize the power as much as possible. For the second issue, it is essential to decentralize power as much as possible.
It is important for the survival of an organization to confine people as much as possible to their limited work area. For the growth of an organization, people should be freed from their work area and given sufficient training and development opportunities.
Several things are necessary for the existence of an organization.
- Respect the traditions of the institution.
- To respect the ancient practices and follow them as much as possible
- Maintaining a high level of discipline.
Growth involves not only creating new traditions but also questioning old ones. Therefore, instead of strict discipline, it is essential to create a free-spirited culture in institutions. Beyond all this, it is challenging to maintain a balance between the opposite positions.
That’s why we often see managers who focus only on survival. In such institutions, derisively termed “daily subsistence patterns,” there is a process of killing growth for survival. That is why they remain the way they started. Even after many years, they do not show any change in the external shape.
Astute managers think about a balance between these two areas when prioritizing.